Saturday, December 28, 2019

Walt Longmire Series

Many have heard of Walt Longmire through the popular TV series, "Longmire," which is loosely based on the characters and novels by Craig Johnson.

I've listened to or read all of the Longmire series up to "Land of Wolves" (which I'm in line for at the library), including short story collections and novellas, and I've enjoyed just about all of it. The series has been very entertaining, and the Longmire series has had me hooked.

After the first few novels, I really got interested in the characters and their arcs. I've also really enjoyed the setting in Wyoming. The narrator of the audiobooks is also excellent, so I was somewhat disappointed when I had to read the hard copies of the recent novels since the audiobooks weren't available from my library (though if I would have been patient I could have waited for a couple months -- shows how hooked I was to the series).

If you're looking for a mystery series with well-developed, interesting characters and think you might enjoy a Wyoming setting, I'd definitely recommend the Walt Longmire series by Craig Johnson.

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