Tuesday, December 3, 2019


As the year winds down, I've revisited my 2019 goals, and there are a couple that I'm going to cram for. I had two goals this year involving writing. One was to write fifty-two blog posts, and I’m a little behind on that. I’m going to have to average three-a-week to finish by the end of the year. I think I can do it. I toyed with the idea of posting some book reviews and wrote several that are sitting in my drafts.

I wasn’t sure if book reviews on fiction were a good idea for this blog, but since Twin Cities Runner has expanded from being almost all about running to running and mental health, why not add some book recommendations? Besides, a lot of the books I’ve “read” I’ve actually listened to while running, so they relate to running at least tangentially.

Another writing goal was submitting two articles to Runner’s World. I was pretty stuck with that one for a while, but now I’ve got two that I’m almost ready to submit. I’m 95% sure that neither of them will get published online, and 99% sure they won’t make it into the print magazine, but hey, I’ll keep practicing.

Although this is a lame excuse, one reason for my lack in writing progress is our computer. It. Is. So. Slow. It takes forever to boot up, and often times freezes for several seconds to several minutes, and sometimes it freezes altogether and I have to restart it. 

So, I’ve been writing the vast majority of my blog posts on our iPad, which is OK with the keyboard (I’ve actually got pretty fast typing on it), but the app I use isn’t great for formatting, and I can’t add pictures as easily.

By publishing some book review posts along with trying to turn some ideas into actual blog posts, I think I’ve got a shot at those fifty-two posts.

Thanks for reading.

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