Thursday, May 27, 2021

Mania Decision Tree

As I've gotten older and become more self-aware about my bipolar disorder, I've become better at managing my hypomanic symptoms.

When I start to become hypomanic, there are a variety of symptoms, some of which can be helpful. Helpful symptoms include increased energy and creativity, goal driven behavior, and gregariousness. Unfortunately, these helpful symptoms can also go too far and get out of hand.

With the increased energy, I can work out too much which both saps time and can lead to injury. Goal driven behavior sometimes has me overextend myself, and I start projects I don't finish and put too much on my plate for the day.

Gregariousness is the worst to deal with as I continue to become more hypomanic. While I can sometimes be funny and engaging, my gregariousness makes me try to dominate conversations, joke around when others aren't in the mood, or try to strike up conversations with strangers.

With each of the symptoms, I try my best to use my Mania Decision Tree.

To deal with high energy and goal-driven behaviors, I ask myself questions like: Is this something I would do if I wasn't manic? Is this useful? Do I have time for this?

To deal with gregariousness, I have a few questions I ask myself. Questions include: Do other people seem like they’re in the mood to joke around? Is saying this really necessary? Am I talking more than everyone else? Could I ask more questions rather than talking about myself?

Medications and behavior management have been a godsend for me, but medications can stop working and things can spiral out of control. When medications aren't working perfectly, it's been helpful to stop and ask myself questions to cope with my symptoms. 

Stay well.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Home Update

I just checked and it's been three months since I did a home update. It was pretty wintery then, and it's pretty summery now, so I'll try to fill in the gap since February.

As you see from above, we've returned to the zoo. Going to the zoo is a nice break from the house. I like to be moving, and watching the kiddos enjoying viewing the animals is entertaining. 

We've gone to the zoo a few times since February. Big brother walked between a couple and several miles in our two hour visits. Little sister enjoys riding in her stroller, getting out to wave at animals, saying, "neigh, neigh," to anything that looks vaguely like a horse, and saying, "puppy," to anything that doesn't look too much like a horse.

Our church put on a socially distanced Easter egg hunt at the end of March. They also did a nice job of talking about Easter and what it means that Jesus is alive.

We've been doing online church now for over a year, and we're looking forward to going to outdoor services soon.

The sand table has been a big hit with the kids and neighbors. Big brother has a neighborhood friend he really likes to play with, so he always wants to go outside when he sees the neighbor outside. I'm glad there are lots if kids in the neighborhood for him to play with.

We did something with friends without masks for the first time in a year. With the four of us fully vaccinated, we got dinner and attended a drive up benefit.

There are so many pictures I could share thanks to my amazing wife, but picking more is overwhelming me, so I'll end with a little prose you can take or leave:

It's such a blessing to be home with the littlest one all week and adding her brother on one or two of those days. I have had some challenges with some bipolar symptoms, but I've been fortunate to have extended family come and help me with the kids while I get some projects done, run errands, and do something relaxing like running.

Thank you to all for your words and thoughts of support.

Stay well.