Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Cork O'Connor Series

I previously wrote about "Ordinary Grace," an excellent literary mystery by William Kent Krueger. After listening to "Ordinary Grace," I immediately looked for more books by Krueger.

What I found was the Cork O'Connor series, which I've really enjoyed. The novels are mostly set in northern Minnesota, and combine the worlds of a white town with an Ojibwe Indian reservation and characters from both settings.

Cork O'Connor is part Ojibwe part Irish and tows the line between both worlds, sometimes in conflict with each other. I really enjoyed Cork's character development, especially in the first few novels, as well as the development of several other characters, especially Ojibwe sage Henry Meloux.

The characterization and setting of these novels is especially well done, and really immersed me into the books.

This was one of the series where the novels later in the series weren't available on my free audiobooks library app, and I enjoyed them so much I had to check out the hard copies to keep up-to-date in the series. Sometimes there's a little let-down from the audiobooks to the hard copies as the voice acting can really bring a story to life, but I didn't find this to be the case with the Cork O'Connor novels. If you're into mysteries, this series is a must-read.

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