Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Cost of Running Bonus: Watches

I've been through all of what I see as the main costs of running besides one: watches. There's a reason watches weren't on my original list. There is such a variety of costs associated with running watches that it's impossible to rank. Some don't run with a watch at all, some use their cell phones, which I wouldn't count as a "running watch," and some use high-end, expensive GPS watches.

If you're going for a watch specifically for running, techradar's list of 10 best running watches lists watches from $120 - $450. Again, a huge range of prices. And, if you're not looking for a GPS watch or heart rate monitoring or anything fancy, a cheap watch with a stopwatch function is all you really need for running.

So, you could spend $20 on a cheap watch that will tell you how long you ran, or you could spend $450 for a watch that will tell you a hundred other things.

Even if you do decide to drop the $450 on a watch, it's still barely cracking the top five when it comes to costs of running. Why? If you spend $450 on a watch, assume that watch is going to last at least four years, so the yearly cost will be around $112. I suppose that might beat clothes when you average out costs, but not by much.

So there they are -- the costs of running. I hope some of these tips have been helpful if you're looking to save a couple bucks on running -- especially if you're new to the sport.

Run well.

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