Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Happy Holidays from Twin Cities Runner

For the first time in a while, our family celebrated Christmas with just the three of us in Eagan. For those who don't know, we're expecting a baby girl any day now, so we decided it would be best to stay close to home, as the baby is due January 4.

It's been unseasonably warm for the end of December, so we've been enjoying some outdoor activities. Earlier this week, the little one and I played outside, shoveling some snow, playing
with the sled, filling the bird feeder, and going on a "hike."

I've been taking advantage of the warmer weather by running outside the past five days-in-a-row. Prior to that, I'd been doing a lot of running on the indoor track and treadmill, so it was a welcome change.

Today (Christmas Day), after opening some presents and eating breakfast, we went for a hike and then had hot chocolate at Lebanon Hills Regional Park. We followed that up with Chinese food, a game, and some Christmas movies.

Late this afternoon I went for a run along the Minnesota River. There were some really pretty icicles on the river bluffs, so I stopped to snap a picture.

I hope you had a nice holiday season and got to spend some time with people you love and doing things you enjoy!

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