Saturday, January 20, 2018

Mental Health Q & A: Offering Help

If I recognize signs of mental illness in a loved one, what is the best way to approach her or him?

This question has a wide variety of answers. Recognizing or suspecting that a love one may have a mental illness can put you in a difficult situation. You may feel you should approach the person, but at the same time be worried that you will offend the person by suggesting they seek help.

A good way to approach a person who you suspect is suffering mental health problems is to do so with kindness and compassion. Be sure the person knows you’re coming to her or him out of concern rather than judging them.

One way you could talk to the person is to let them direct the conversation as much as possible. Ask her or him how she or he has been feeling. If you’re really concerned that the person is struggling and is not opening up, ask the person more specific questions like: “It seems like you’ve been really down lately. Is there anything I can do to help?” or, “You haven’t seemed like yourself lately. How is everything?”

You may be surprised to find that the person really wants to talk and opens up to you. Sometimes the person is looking for someone to talk to. Often, people who are dealing with mental health struggles are embarrassed to talk about it, and they will be happy for the opportunity.

One thing you might have ready for the person is some resources to help them. It’s not necessary, and you might want to use discretion depending on how you think the person will react, but offering her or him resources is a good way to let the person know you care and want them to get the help he or she needs.

There are many ways you can help the person find help if she or he is willing. I’d direct you to the following article from Mayo Clinic, “Mental Health Providers: Tips for Finding One.” You could also share the information and/or website with your family member or friend to help them connect with a mental health provider.

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any other questions, feel free to comment, message me, or email me at:

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