Friday, November 27, 2020


This time of year can come with a lot of anxiety and stress. Yes, the holidays can be fun and full of cheer, but it can also be stressful. Some struggle with preparing holiday food, organizing gatherings, and buying presents. Others face gathering with family with whom their relationships are strained. Still others find the changing season of more darkness negatively affects their moods.

In this pandemic, holidays look different for most people. Smaller gatherings and smaller meals may mean less stress in some ways, but it also means missing time with loved ones.

I've been struggling some with my mood. It's not unusual at all for me this time of year, and the shortening days and cloudy weather leave me feeling down.

But, one of the best things I do when I'm feeling down is to practice gratitude. When I'm feeling anxious and/or depressed, my thoughts often wander to the past or the future instead of staying in the present. I ruminate on past mistakes or future worries, which is not helpful at all. Instead, practicing gratitude brings me to the present and all the wonderful things in my life: a family, friends, faith in Jesus, and health are just a few things to be thankful for.

How about you? Do you practice gratitude in your life? What are you thankful for?

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