Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Buds or No Buds

In many ways, running is the simplest, purist sport there is. Shirt, (sports bra),  shorts, socks, and shoes, and you’re out the door. Or, in winter’s case, add some pants, jacket, gloves, and a hat. It’s simple, right?

Well, not completely. What about earbuds? The debates on the drawbacks and merits of earbuds are many. Just Google, “running with earbuds debate,” and you'll find articles that outline the issue, both positive and negative.

I have mixed feelings about running with earbuds. Those who say it’s dangerous to run while you're hearing impaired do have a point. If a cyclist is coming behind you and fails to give a verbal warning, you may not hear it in time to give the bicyclist space. During a race you could fail to hear an emergency vehicle approaching.

I now have a pair of Aftershokz headphones. They are bone conducting headphones that do not cover the ear, so it is still easy to hear surrounding sounds. Before that, when I ran with earbuds, I always used only one ear.

Still, as far as the safety thing goes, I think it’s good enough to have the volume at a reasonable level and/or have one earbud out. 

Another issue the anti-earbud crowd picks up is the lack of attunement to one’s body. Earbuds, they say, take away from the body’s natural signals of pace and effort. I agree somewhat with this one. I don’t wear earbuds when I’m doing an interval workout or a tempo run. I do, however, often wear earbuds during easy runs and sometimes long runs. I’m confident in my ability to run at an easy pace with or without earbuds in my ears.

I also tend to wear earbuds when I’ve gone a long time running without company (which has been a lot this year). After spending a lot of time in my own head, it’s nice to take a break and listen to a recorded book or podcast without having to listen to my own internal monologue.

How about you? Do you run with earbuds? Why or why not?

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