Saturday, October 3, 2020

Gross Workout of the Week


I have no idea why I'm smiling in the above photo. I had just finished my grossest run ever — sixteen miles, three of which were filled with bugs. I was running along the Minnesota River on the Minnesota River Greenway Trail when a bug flew into my eye. It's my least favorite thing to happen on a run followed by a bug in my throat.

So I keep going and I'm noticing more and more bugs. I'm not an entomologist, but I would call the tiny hell beasts gnats. And they were awful.

What started as a bug in my eye turned into clouds — not an exaggeration — of disgusting little bugs. I could feel myself running through them, and with their fragile little wings, rather than bounce off me, they stuck to my arms, chest, and face. The picture above doesn't even do it justice. I wiped off my arms several times, and my arms still looked like this:

Gross. When my run was finished and I got to a mirror, I took three bugs out of my eye.

So my other runs this week were nice. The fall temperatures have been perfect, and the only downside to my runs is that I'm running really early, so it's dark outside and I have to wear a headlamp.

Weekends when I run in daylight have been nice. After those gross pictures of gnats, here's a picture of a tree I ran by:

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