Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Decade of Racing: 2018 and 2019

How fast the decade flew by. Here are some racing highlights from the last two years of the 2010s:

I ran seven races not counting the Eagan parkruns, and paced two of them.

My first race of the year was the Pensacola Half Marathon in January. I ended up having to buy pants because it was so cold -- the windchill was 18 F. We did have a nice time visiting Laura's parents in Florida despite the unseasonably cold weather.

The little one ran his first race in April -- a 50 yard dash. Laura and I really enjoyed watching him, and it seemed like he enjoyed it too.

I ran Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon for the third time. It was the slowest marathon I've ever raced, and I'd planned to take it easy and not shoot for any time goal since I'd had several nagging injuries most of the winter and into the early spring. Instead, I ended up running with my buddy Dan. It was fun catching up with him, and I ended running an even split and pushing myself to the end to finish with him.

We did another Juliette's Race 5K to benefit the Down Syndrome Foundation. Laura pushed the stroller so I could race -- she's so sweet.

That's it for photos in 2018. Another racing highlight in 2018 was running the Afton Trail Race 25K that I ran much faster than I expected since I'd been hampered by injuries.

I ran three races in 2019 besides Eagan parkruns. My nagging injuries continued, so I didn't feel like doing any races in the spring.

Another Juliette's Race 5K! I was proud of myself for this one. My goal for the year was to break eighteen minutes, and about a quarter of a mile left, I was almost certain I wouldn't be able to do it, so I thought about slowing down. I decided instead to finish as strong as I could, and managed an 17:58.

I ran the Twin Cities Marathon for my second time to celebrate the ten year anniversary of my first marathon, and I also raised money for Team World Vision. I was blown away by the generosity of friends, family, acquaintances, and even a few friends of friends.

So there it is, a decade of racing. This year, and probably for years to come, I won't be doing too many races. We're now a family of four, so there'll be two kiddos to focus on and more logistics to work out for races. I'm planning on doing another marathon this year and pacing another half marathon. I'll probably do a fair amount of Eagan parkruns and maybe a free MDRA race, but other than the fall marathon I settle on, I don't plan to pay for any races.

Thanks for following my ten years of racing.

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