Sunday, January 14, 2024

Mental Illness and Character

Can people give themselves a mental illness? Some think so. Some think that mental illness can be caused by a lack of motivation or poor character. Some think that one can overcome a mental illness by trying harder or thinking differently.

People with mental illnesses can even fall into this category. They think that if only they try harder, their depression, anxiety, or other mental illness will get better.

It is true that there are things people can do to improve their mental illnesses. Taking their medications as prescribed, keeping healthy sleep habits, eating a healthy diet, and spending time connecting with friends are a few ways to manage a mental illness.

But in answer to the question of giving themselves a mental illness, the answer is, "no." While there are things one can do to mitigate mental illness and even get past certain mental illnesses, people aren't out there "giving themselves" mental illnesses.

When people say that others have given themselves mental illnesses, they should consider what would happen to them if they had a mental illness. From the outside, many with mental illnesses look like they are not doing well. They may not have stable relationships, or they may have a hard time staying employed. But it's easy for those without mental illness to look down on them. 

What, however, would it look like for those who don't struggle with mental illness to have a mental illness? They might not be as successful in life. They might not have the relationships they enjoy.

People with mental illness deserve compassion and understanding, not judgment and blame. When thinking about those with mental illness, people should take a pause and consider the struggles mental illness brings, not pass judgment or blame.

Be well.

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