Sunday, April 12, 2020

COVID-19 log

This week I thought about being done with my COVID-19 journal. This will be my third one, and after five weeks, honestly not a lot has changed. I've been home with the four-year-old and three-month-old, and our days have fallen into a rhythm.

The oldest is still really into playing superheros. We take turns being the hero or the villain, and one of his favorite things to do is say, "Now you have to call your friends," so that a new superhero enters the fray.

Submarine continues to be a mainstay in our game playing. My son loves to "connect" all the submarines (the Rock 'n Play, the chair I'm in, and the futon he's on).

A bright spot this past week has been my return to running after a five week hiatus. I ran four times this week, utilizing a five minute walk/five minute run strategy. My ankle didn't hurt at all during my runs, including a sixty minute run/walk. That was yesterday, and today I can roll my ankle in a way that used to cause pain, and it doesn't hurt at all.

We had a nice Easter weekend. We did an outside Easter egg hunt on Saturday and took some pictures outside while the weather was nice. This morning we watched church on TV and had some cinnamon rolls afterward. We also did an indoor Easter egg hunt as the weather was cold and snowing.

On Zoom, we video chatted with both our families, then in the evening we had a nice Easter dinner.

This might be the last COVID-19 log I do for a while unless some new material emerges. I'm planning on more of the same, but maybe I'll get creative and think of something different to do.

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