Saturday, May 30, 2020

Home Highlights

Despite everything that's going on in the world right now, things are still going well at home. Some is the same—playing superheros and submarine—and some new—playing dinosaur school (yes, dinosaur school, not dinosaurs and school) and some new board games. We also do some construction around the house periodically.

I've been trying to get the kids outside as much as possible. The four-year-old practiced balancing on his glider bike for most of April. It was cool seeing him go from not balancing at all to gliding on the pegs of his bike for significant stretches. The little one has been pretty content in the stroller while her brother rides his bike.

Speaking of the littlest one, she gets more and more active every day. She loves sucking on her hands, her toes and now thumbs and has started to grab things more and more. She can now roll herself across the room and has managed to get under the couch or the love seat several times.

A few weeks ago, the four-year-old and I were outside, and he was riding on his glider bike. He was balancing so easily, I asked him if he wanted to try a pedal bike. He did, and within a day he was riding it for long stretches. I was pretty proud of him for learning how to ride a pedal bike so quickly at four years of age.

Running has been going very well. I continue to do Foundation Training, not only for my back pain, but also for running injury prevention. Foundation Training provides several different routines specifically for runners.

In some upcoming posts, I'll share a bit more about my running along with some books, audiobooks, and podcasts that have helped keep me busy during this time of social distancing.

That's all for now. Stay safe out there.

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