Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID-19 Log

Another week with the two children is in the books. It's now been four weeks since I've been at home with the kiddos while Laura is at work.

The days have fallen into a general routine. In the mornings the four-year-old is usually up for about an hour before the two-month old wakes up. We watch one Marvel Superhero Adventure on YouTube for about three minutes, have breakfast, and play superheros until the little one wakes up. After four weeks, it seems the story lines in superheros have repeated themselves quite a bit—there's only so many crimes Green Goblin, Venom, and various other villains can commit. The little one doesn't seem to mind though, and for him the game doesn't appear to be getting old.

Once the baby wakes, we usually play submarine in her room. We also play hide-and-seek in the submarine which consists of me closing my eyes and the four-year-old hiding someplace in the room. He only hides in about five different spots the room, so again, the game is a little monotonous. Our submarine seems to travel to New York just about every time. I assume we take the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico then head north, but he hasn't told me the exact route.

After the baby eats, we usually have a snack then play something with her. We've been big into looking at Art for Baby while the baby does tummy time.

Art for Baby
We continue to do Cosmic Kids Yoga in the mornings, then after lunch the four-year-old has quiet rest time. Usually he plays in his room, but occasionally he'll take a nap. The sweet spot is when he's in quiet rest time while the baby takes a nap. In that case, I usually squeeze in a Foundation Training workout.

It appears things got a little out of control during quiet rest time (:
When Laura comes home from work, I sometimes go on a walk or a bike ride. My ankle seems to be feeling better. I was going to take six weeks off of running after my ankle didn't feel 100% after a month off, but I decided that five weeks was long enough, so I celebrated by doing a five minute walk/five minute run for half an hour.

Early spring has been different than I planned. Both our parents were going to come and help out with the kiddos, but due to the pandemic they did not. I was going to work a bit, but since the schools have been closed anyway it didn't really matter.

It's likely that I'll be home with the kiddos for the rest of the school year and maybe summer too. The only thing I really miss is regular adult interaction. The days go by quickly, and I'm guessing this time will go quickly as well.

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