Friday, August 17, 2018

Life Update: June and July

June and July were a blast this year. Our little buddy got to go to a vehicle fair hosted by the city of Eagan. Construction, conservation, fire, maintenance and law enforcement crews all had super cool vehicles there.

Laura was going to take him to the vehicle fair, but she got caught up at work, so I took him. He was a little sad, but once we started looking at the vehicles he forgot about it; at least, I thought he did. For over a month, he guilt-tripped mommy by asking with a sad face, "Mommy, did you go to the vehicle fair?"

Tons of other things happened in June and July, so in no particular order, some highlights:

Starting gymnastics!
Cousins on the Leckband side at my sister's son's fifth birthday

Frozen yogurt for Father's Day

A visit from our Milwaukee friends, the Griepentrogs 
Camping trip to Whitewater State Park
Camel ride at the Minnesota Zoo
Uncle Craig came to visit, and we got to go canoeing
The next set of pictures is from our weekend family camp at Camp Omega. Laura and I met there over fourteen years ago. We had such a fun and meaningful time there. We made friends, played guitar, sang songs, and worshiped Jesus.

We had a great time meeting some families, seeing our old stomping grounds, talking to the cooks who were there when we were, and interacting with the great pastoral resource person and camp staff.

"Canoeing" in the Voyageur canoe.
With his guides (they don't call them counselors anymore)
It's been a wonderful summer. The little buddy has one more week of summer preschool camp, then he's with me for a few weeks.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Thanks for reading.

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