Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jeff Galloway and Race Time

It's race day here in Rochester, Minn. Last night Laura and I met Olympian Jeff Galloway. Talk about an affable, engaging man! I've never talked to such a popular, high profile runner who was so passionate about what he does. He talked to us for around twenty minutes and would have talked longer had we not had to meet some friends for dinner. We mentioned that we'd met Frank Shorter, and he asked how Mr. Shorter was doing. He also seemed truly interested in our running and gave Laura training advice.

Today we're headed to the Med City Marathon expo, and then I'm racing a 5k at 3 PM. The cold that knocked me out of work for a day has pretty much subsided. I still have some lingering congestion, but otherwise I feel pretty good. I don't know if I feel good enough to finally break 17:00, but here's hoping.

Tomorrow I'm pacing the 3:25 group for the full marathon. It's looking like it's going to be pretty hot and humid, so it could get interesting. I may have some people with me trying to push through the heat to hit their goal times, or, some people who have dropped back to run a little more conservative. There's also the possibility that the marathon gets cancelled due to the heat. We'll see how it goes.

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