Sunday, August 18, 2024

Team World Vision Training Update

It’s seven weeks until the Twin Cities Marathon. In some ways, that seems like a ways off, but in other ways it’s approaching too fast. My fundraising is going very well with just $80 to go to meet my $2,000 goal.

My training on the other hand isn’t quite where I’d like it. I’ve run a couple 30+ mile weeks, but I also had a 17 mile week mixed in over the past seven weeks. I'd really like to work my way up to a 40 mile peak week, but I’m not sure that will happen, especially once school starts.

I’d also like to up the distance of my long runs. I’m probably going to stick with a method I learned from the book, “Hansons Marathon Method” that maxes out the long run at 16 miles.

Thanks to everyone who's donated to World Vision so far. Bringing clean water to communities in need is life saving, and any donation, be it $5 or $1000, will change lives. Every $50 will bring one person clean water.

Here's a direct link to my fundraising page: Team World Vision Fundraising Page. I will also be doing a Facebook fundraiser soon.

If you are unable to make a donation at this time, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for your support!

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