Saturday, February 6, 2021

Home Update

 It's been too long since I've posted what's new at home. It's now been over ten months that I've been staying home with the two little ones, and it's amazing how much has changed in those ten months. The littlest one has gone from being immobile to rolling, then crawling, and now starting to walk. She's also started to climb onto the couches.

For the last month, we've been getting outside most days for an hour-and-a-half or more. It's a nice way to get some fresh air and break up the monotony of the day. I also like pulling the kids around in their sleds, sledding tandem with the older little one, and playing sled police and snow villains/heroes. We've also gone a few times to the local regional park where there's a sledding hill and several trails.

The littlest one loves riding in her sled. She finds it very relaxing sometimes.

We celebrated two birthdays in January. The littlest one had a Zoom quar-ONE-tine party. She didn't smash her entire face into the cake like her older brother did when he turned one. It seemed like she didn't like to feel of the frosting.

The older little one got to have a party with just family at the movie theater. Mom and Dad took turns following the baby as she climbed up and down the stairs while the others watched "Inside Out" and ate popcorn.

Running has been going well. I'm enjoying watching shows on the iPad during some runs, and on other runs I've been doing an iFit program that runs through New Zealand. 

Maybe on my next post I'll give an update of how my running's going.

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