Friday, July 17, 2020

Coping Skills: Audiobooks, Podcasts, and Music

In my last post, I wrote about how I was dealing with some anxiety and some strategies I've used to get through it. One thing I didn't write about was how I've also used listening to books and podcasts to improve my mental health.

I know there's some debate out there about having earbuds on when you run, so I'll touch on that briefly. First, it's a safety thing. If you run with earbuds, you should either run with one out or run with the bone conduction earphones that leave the ears uncovered. It's not safe to run outside when you can't hear things like cars or bikes that may crash into you.

Other than the safety issue, there's the issue of not being mindful of your run. You may have trouble with pace, especially while listening to music. An upbeat song may cause you to run too fast. Also, by listening to something while you run, you may also may also miss out on the meandering stream of consciousness that can sometimes help you process your thoughts and work through problems.

That said, the issue I sometimes deal with when I'm in a more depressive, manic, or anxious state is a difficulty controlling my thoughts. I'll worry, ruminate, regret, and have arguments in my head (I often come up with the perfect thing to say ten years after an argument).

When I'm having trouble controlling my thoughts, listening to a book or a podcast while I run helps get me out of my own head. While running usually helps me break the cycle or rumination and worry, sometimes that time alone with my thoughts can be filled with negativity.

So, in order to to keep my mind from wandering to negative thoughts, I often listen to an audiobook or podcast while I run. Music might help too, although I find my mind wanders more when listening to music. I'd say that I'm about 50/50 on whether I'm going to listen to something or not when I run. Sometimes I listen just because I enjoy it, but I listen more when I'm having trouble controlling my thoughts and less when I'm in a good place emotionally.

Besides runs, I also often listen to books or podcasts while cleaning. It's sometimes hard to get motivated for chores, especially when I'm feeling depressed, and listening to something helps me complete a task by focusing my mind on something I enjoy rather than a mundane task.

If you're having trouble with negative thoughts, I'd encourage you to give podcasts or audiobooks a try. They might help you take your mind away from your negative thoughts and into something you pleasantly distracting.

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