Thursday, March 19, 2020

Goal Adjustments

In my last post (from over two weeks ago), I wrote about defining success. One of my goals this year was to average thirty miles per week. Unfortunately, a foot/ankle injury has been bothering me since the Twin Cities Marathon last October, and it just doesn't seem to want to get better.

It's a pesky little injury that usually stops hurting a week or so after not running. It doesn't hurt at all during short runs, but after a short run, it hurts again. On a longer run, it'll start hurting five or six miles in.

I tried to run through the injury as it doesn't hurt that bad or really affect my stride, but after about a month or running two to four days a week, it's just not getting any better. So, I decided that averaging thirty miles per week of running needs to go. The 1,560 miles for the year wouldn't be totally out of reach. I'd have to average just under forty miles a week for the last nine months of the year, but I've also been dealing with some serious back pain. I've started a program called "Foundation Training" and am hoping it provides some relief.

Doing the Foundation Training program and fitting in running will be a huge time management challenge, so for now I'm just planning on running when I have time and focus on the Foundation Training.

It's frustrating because last year I also took March off for a different injury. Still, this month I'm planning on doing more cross training than last year and working really hard on rehabilitating my foot/ankle.

Here's hoping it works.

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