Monday, July 22, 2019

World Vision Training - 11 weeks to go

There’s something special about raising money for a charitable cause as part of marathon, but there are also some difficulties. For some, it may be training for the marathon itself. It might be getting up early to run or getting out the door for a run after an exhausting day at work.

For me, the difficulty is in raising money. I don’t mind creating a Facebook fundraising page, advertising my fundraising page, or writing training plans in exchange for donations to Team World Vision. However, I do not like asking people in person for donations. I did, however, do it once, and was successful. My goal this week is to ask someone else in person to donate.

I’ve got eleven weeks left in my training and fundraising, and I need $495 to reach my goal of $1310 ($50 per mile of the Twin Cities Marathon).

My training this week went well. I ran a total of  42 miles. I’ve been taking every Friday off and sometimes Sundays. During the week I coach the Burnsville High School summer running program. I do all my weekday runs with them, and my pace varies quite a bit depending on which athlete(s) I’m running with. On the weekend I do my long run on Saturday or Sunday, and I sometimes race the Eagan parkrun 5K on Saturday morning (this week was cancelled due to weather). This week’s long run was 12 miles. Next week I’m planning on 15. 

This week I created a Facebook fundraiser and was blown away by the amount of generosity and support I witnessed in the first several days of the fundraiser.

Please consider supporting my fundraising for Team World Vision. I will be sharing a stat every week on how a lack of clean water affects communities. This week’s stat is:

According to multiple sources, women and children in Africa and Asia walk an average of 3.7 miles for water.

You can make a difference. Visit my Team World Vision Fundraising Page or my Facebook Fundraiser to make a donation.

You can also support me in your prayers or in your thoughts.

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