Sunday, July 28, 2019

Team World Vision Training - 10 Weeks to Go

This was a good week for training. I put in more miles than I’ve ran in probably a year or more, and my foot has felt almost 100%. I’ve been enjoying coaching the Burnsville Summer Running Program and have got to the point where I can finally keep up with the faster runners. This week I also got to run with a former colleague from the Running Room, and it was nice to catch up with him.

My total mileage for the week was 47 miles. I also did a short hill workout—the fastest workout I’ve done since last fall. On Wednesday, I ran 12 miles in the morning with the Burnsville crew and put in 5 more miles at the Running Room run.

As I’ve continued my training runs, I sometimes think about how fortunate I am to have access to clean water. It’s probably not something people who have clean water give too much thought to. But fundraising for World Vision gives me a different outlook on what I take for granted. When I go on a run, especially a long run, I can carry a water bottle with me. I fill the bottle up from my tap at home without almost any effort. Not only is filling my bottle at home easy, but on many routes I run there are drinking fountains that provide fresh, clean water.

Millions of people around the world do not have the luxury of easy access to clean water. Last week’s stat was that women and children in Africa and Asia walk an average of 3.7 miles every day to provide water for their families—and that doesn’t even mean they’re getting clean water.

This week’s stat:

Over 579 million people are drinking contaminated water.

You can help alleviate the water access crisis. You can help provide live-giving water to communities without basic access to clean water. A donation of $50 brings clean water to one person, but a donation of any amount helps.

Check out my fundraising page: Nathan Leckband - World Vision, or you can donate through my Facebook fundraiser: Nathan’s Fundraiser.

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