Saturday, August 17, 2019

Healthy Habits Update

This month I’ve made the goal of of maintaining two healthy habits — drinking one alcoholic beverage per week or less and eating 36 grams of sugar per day or less. Part of the reason I set this goal was to be more healthy, and part of the reason was that I wanted to get closer to the weight I was when I did my best racing. I’m by no means overweight, but I know I could run faster if I weighed a little less.

The healthy habits have been going OK. I’m doing great with the alcohol one. I’ve only had one drink as of this writing (August 17). The sugar goal is not going so well. I haven’t kept exact track, but I think I’ve been having 36 grams of sugar or less per day between 50% and 60% of the time. It’s definitely a weakness.

So, I want to adjust my goal on the fly here since staying under 36 grams a day hasn’t been that successful. Instead, since I have two weeks of August left, I’m going to limit myself to two sweets a week — four sweets between now and the end of the month. That way I know on the days I want to have a sweet I can save it for something I really want, and the other days I’m not going to be doing the math and figuring out exactly how much sugar I can consume. Instead, I’ll just be having no sweets at all.

How about you? Are you maintaining or starting any healthy habits? I’d love to hear from you.

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