Friday, May 11, 2018

Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon: No Goal Time

Usually I set a few goals for a marathon. Not this time. The 2018 Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon will be the first marathon where I really have no goals and no expectations.I've been dealing with an ankle injury for over a year and a foot injury for around seventh months. The injuries really weren't slowing me down too much, but it seemed like it was only a matter of time before they wood.

So, I finally began taking multiple days in a row off of running and at a couple of points over a week off. The foot injury seems to be healed (fingers crossed) and the ankle injury is much better. Unfortunately, with all the time off and a total lack of quality workouts, I'm not in any kind of shape to run a fast marathon.

Since there's no way I'm going to run a fast time, I'm just planning on enjoying myself. I've done the Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon twice before, and there is some nice scenery along the way. I'll spend some time in my head, enjoy the scenery and look forward to the food at the finish.

I'd like to be able to kick the ankle injury once and for all, so after this race I'm planning on focusing on rehabilitation with the hope that I can salvage a fall racing season.

Thanks for reading.

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