Monday, December 7, 2020

Home Update

 After going through pictures since my last home update, I realized I probably could have done two of these for the last month. It's amazing how fast time flies by. Here are some highlights:

Emptying her sleepsuits

The littlest one has started standing and is saying, "mamama," and, "dadada," along with various other iterations. She's making other sounds too and also enjoys climbing on things and getting into anything she can reach.

The weather in November and early December has been pretty mild, so we've made our way outside almost every day. We like going to the park where the older little one and I play dinosaur school (we've played tyrannosaurus rex school from kindergarten through college and several grades of velociraptors) on the bocce ball court while Claire moves as best she can in her snowsuit.

The older little one continues to do distance learning preschool. He enjoys just about everything we do and really enjoys the science projects. We've made dancing grapes with vinegar and baking soda and above we made a "lava lamp" with Alka-Seltzer, oil, water, and food coloring.

The littlest one likes to randomly suck her
thumb and snuggle up to stuffed animals

We watched an episode of Peppa Pig where the pig family uses Marble Run, so naturally we had to build our own. If you have kids, I highly recommend Peppa Pig.

For the first time in a long time, we celebrated Thanksgiving in Eagan, Minn., and it was the first time the older little one didn't spend Thanksgiving with my side of the family in Norfolk, Neb. My turkey didn't turn out very good (pretty dry), but I made decent turkey noodle soup.

Thanks to our friend Jared, we now have a 312 pound treadmill in our basement office/bedroom/workout room. We've both been enjoying the flexibility of running or walking at home.

I hope everyone's holiday season is going well. I look forward to sharing my next update from the home front.

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