Monday, September 14, 2020

Home Update

Since Laura went back to work after maternity leave, I’ve been home with the kidddos for six months now. Though it can be challenging sometimes, for the most part the kids are pretty easy. The four-year-old is good at listening and sometimes keeps his sister entertained while I take care of something. He has a very cute song that he wrote himself that he likes to sing to her.

It feels good that I’ve been home with the kids this long. Four years ago, when our first one was five months old, I was going to stay home with him for the summer. Unfortunately, shortly after starting the summer with him, I started to have some moderate bipolar symptoms that kept me from being able to take care of him, so we had to send him to daycare.

On this go ‘round, I was more than a little nervous about taking care of two. If one was difficult, two was going to be even harder. I worried that my bipolar symptoms were going to crop up, and I didn’t know what we were going to do if I was unable to care for them.

Fortunately, for the last six months my bipolar symptoms have been in check, and I’ve only had a few rounds of depression and hypomania, both of which were mild enough that I was still able to care for the kids.

We’ve stayed busy while at home, and every day goes by quickly. I made the older one a couple pictorial schedules, so every day he knows what we’re up to. He really enjoys the schedule, so when I thought that after doing the schedules for a while he might want to just do our own thing, he said he wants to keep the schedule. Here are some fun things we’ve been up to:

The littlest one still enjoys crawling under things. She’s was doing mostly army crawling, but it the last few days she's been regular crawling.

We’ve started solid food. She does a nice job of trying every food, but she hasn’t been eating a whole lot:

A big game changer for me has been getting them both in the double jogging stroller. It's not actually that bad to push around, and it's a nice way to get us all out of the house as well as getting to parks that are a little out of walking distance.

Besides the jogging stroller, the older one can ride his bike for a while while the little one rides in the stroller. It's not the fastest way to run, but it's fun. Laura even finds time to run with them as well. 

That should do it for my home update. Stay safe out there!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Way to go Nate...Awesome!!!