Sunday, February 28, 2010

Plan B

After about 3 days off of running I'm beginning to come up with a plan b for my training between now and my goal marathon. The ankle isn't hurting anymore and I'm going with Brad Hudson's advice of taking one more day off and doing a test run tomorrow afternoon. After that I'm trying to decide how much mileage to put in before the marathon.

I'm definitely going to move back into training carefully, with no set goals for mileage for the next week or two. After that I'll decide if I want to work towards as many miles as I planned for the week, or adjust my schedule to fewer miles. I'm also going to write in my core training into my training schedule to keep me honest. I've tried to do two or three sessions a week, but I definitely have had weeks where I've only done one session of core work.

Here's my workouts for the week:

Sunday -
16.2 miles with 6 easy, 5 miles: 90 sec 10k pace/90 sec easy, 2 easy, 3 hard

Monday -
6.3 easy with 10 X 10 sec hill sprints

Tuesday -

Wednesday -
11.1 miles with 2.75 warm up, 4 X 1 miles @ 6:04, 3 min recovery, 3 miles easy

Thursday -
2 easy, stopped with TPT

Friday -
30 min elliptical

Saturday -
30 min elliptical

Total: 35.6 miles with 1 hour elliptical

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